Radical Rest and our full month break :)
Circular Bodies turned a year in November at is has been so special to watch is expand and find a home in the Bay Area. I am so grateful for this community and for all the support that allowed Circular Bodies to grow its operation and bring physical and emotional nourishment to my life.
In 2020, we had collaborators, interns and coaches join our small team. We would not have been able to do it without every single person that helped us with our website, design, marketing, customer service, sustainability, emotional and creative services, fulfillment, and beyond. THANK YOU!
Despite the fantastic help from our community, our operation is run full time by only one human (hi, it's me!) and between different projects and many orders, there was little space to take time off and sit with my body in complete stillness. If Circular Bodies is here to help you slow down and reconnect to your body and to the earth, there is no way to do that without taking time myself to slow down, rest and reflect.
Our corporate-led work culture makes us believe we need to always be producing in a job, taking small breaks in between. But nature is cyclical, and so are we! If we don't take time to nourish our seeds, how can we ever grow projects and be present in our productivity? I want to set up Circular Bodies to allow radical rest to be a part of our life. With winter as a time to look within, slow down and reflect, I am taking a full month off the studio in January, to recharge in the forests and fields on my home country, Brazil.
I am so excited to be back in February fully recharged and ready to serve you with even more alignment! Logistically, here is how it will work:
All orders placed after December 20th, 2020 will be fulfilled between February 1st and 15th. You are still able to place orders on our website and email us like you always do, there might just take a while for you to get an answer.
I feel so grateful to be able to lead a business that is shaped with the integrity of nature's cycles and is it complete tune with its values. I thank you for embracing this work with me and committing to a day to day that is healthy for us and for our planet.
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